Investigation of the Television Stacks

An Exploration into Concept Art

“The air was dense and had a metallic taste to it. Almost as if it had been passing through old motherboards and dusty fans for the last decade in a desperate attempt for circulation. He knew the cult was operating underground based on their vampire-like appearance and neural connection to the Web. Who knew they were using so much power and collecting so much, junk. What he did know is that they had what he was looking for. His sources were certain…”

It All Started With a Character

Throughout the summer of 2022, I worked on a larger concept art exploration as part of a personal project and development milestone. The goals of this project were the following:

  • Create an Original Character using digital methods

  • Render this character into a realistic scene that had a larger narrative.

This goal would be accomplished if the viewer found themselves asking questions about the scene. Questions that would help formulate a larger narrative.

Along the way I used the following tools and methods:

  • Digital Illustration

  • 3d Modeling

  • Photobashing

  • Professional Feedback

Gallery of Progress

Character Design PDF

Interested in this character/concept and want to use it? Please download the Character Design PDF. All I ask is that you give me credit. Thanks!